By Tian Boonzaaier
One day, while a Sunday school class was in progress, the minister was passing by with a broad smile on his face. One of the kids saw it and asked: “Why does he look so happy, does he use ‘E’?”
The same question you can ask yourself when a person walks pass you with a broad smile on his or her face, on a day that the birds won’t even sing!
Well, I have the answer to your question: No, the person
didn’t win the lottery or used ‘uppers’-he has a living relationship with God.
The reason I say so is the person can that have a living relationship with Jesus Christ can hold on to the promises given by Him until it happens.
The best of all is that JESUS NEVER EVER BREAKS A PROMISE!!! The person can live his life to the fullest because he don’t have to worry what is going to happen next.
If you don’t have a living relation with the Lord God
Allmighty then I encourage you to pray the following prayer: Lord Jesus, I
admit before You today that I am a sinner in Your eyes. I have complete
repentance of what I have done wrong in Your eyes I believe that Jesus Christ
died on the cross for my sin and that He have rose from the dead on the third
day for my sin. Now I am accept him as my Redeemer and Saviour
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