Cape Town, South Africa
A huge transformation payer meeting are being planned for the first of May 2002, in 51 regions in South Africa and 20 other African countries
It all started back in July 2000,when Graham Power, Chairperson of the Power-Group had a vision from God. "It was more of a set of steps, than a vision" Power said.
On the 21st March 2001 a huge transformation prayer meeting were held at Newlands Rugby field, Cape Town South Africa, where thousands of Christians came together for the transformation of their city. This day was such a success, that the transformation committee immediately started on a prayer day on the 21st March 2002 for transformation in South Africa.
Again it was a success, because thousands of people flocked to eight stadiums across South Africa. Our sources in the US told us, that the National Prayer Meeting always held on the 2nd May are moving for the first time to the 1st May 2003
May God Bless this prayer events